Don't know how to engage in thoughtful and loving conversations with your Muslim neighbors?
Ishmael's Call
"Oh that Ishmael might live before you!" - Genesis 17:18
Ishmael’s Call echoes Abraham’s prayer for Ishmael to be blessed, which God answered with the promise..."I have heard you: and I will surely bless him.” (Gen. 17). Ishmael's Call equips churches/individuals to build meaningful relationships with Muslims by knowing their culture and worldview. "Speaking to Muslims about Jesus" is the focus of seminars and self-study materials developed to prepare believers to make disciples, wherever they are!
Ishmael's Call Offers Bible Studies
and a Series of Topics on Islam from a Christian Perspective
Equipping & Preparing His People to Reach the Unreached
Ishmael's Call ministry was created to help you make disciples internationally and to train your church to reach unreached Muslim friends with the Gospel.
"Jamil Sadiq's heart for Muslims is immediately obvious, and his lasting contribution to the church may very well be that more of us are having thoughtful, respectful conversations with our Muslim neighbors because of Jamil's careful teaching and compassionate example."
- Rev. Jeffery Getz,
Director // NewYorkIsCalling
Explore the Teaching Courses Available
Ishmael's Call provides training experiences such as One-Day or Weekend Seminars and five or seven-week courses, all customized to meet your church's needs.
Isa Al Masih(Jesus Christ) as "Kalamat Allah" (The Word of God)
• Why it is important to know that Isa Al Masih is "Word of Allah"?
• Do you see any signs of Isa Al Masih's Lordship in this title?
• If so, then how can using this title help us explain the divinity of Jesus Christ to our Muslim friends?
Ishmael's Past, Present, & Future
• The Christian perspective about the blessings of Ishmael keeping Ishmael's "Past, Present, and Future" in view
More information coming soon...
"Inni Mutufeek"
Death and Resurrection
This Study Guide
• Helps our Islamic friends to understand the importance of Jesus' death & resurrection
• It aids believers to present the truth of Isa Al Masih's [Jesus Christ's] death and resurrection by an Islamic perspective showing the truth and significance
More information coming soon...