Happy Resurrection Day
All the Prophets of the world
Are dead and buried,
And all the shrines, tombs
“Inside are full of dead men’s bones.” (Matthew 23:27)
Today, there’s in the world,
We find a grave,
With a confession, brave.
An empty grave
With no dead bones.
How lovely is this confession!
Of emptied grave,
Death lost its control!
Has no power to hold
O’ death, where is your victory?
O’ death, where is your strength,
Your sting and power?
Where??? Everything has gone. (1 Corinthians 15: 55)
A Day is there to celebrate.
A Day to take delight in the LORD.
A Day to magnify His wondrous Grace.
A Day that mirrors vivacious victory
Of Son of Man;
Of Son of God.
Jesus died as a Man but rose as God.
WOW! What a glorious victory!
Jamil Sadiq