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A resource A Tool for discipleship: The Gospel of Mark


Updated: Jun 2, 2023

Compression of this very Gospel bathed us to believe though Mark is positioning Isa Al Masih [Jesus Christ] as Man deputing His enormous servanthood performance, he didn’t ignore His Godhood. His commencing theme-tune to write down the gospel of Mark articulately begins approving and uplifting the Deity of Jesus Christ, ‘The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.’ Mark represents Jesus’ both characters, His Manhood, and Godhood very well. We find in the Gospel the enormous demonstration of Jesus as a Servant of God as well as the Son of God.

Mark’s invitation is strong and persuasive to believe in Jesus’ manhood as well as His Godhood. His narrative is rich and challenging and convinces us to trust that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Blessed, who came into the world as the Servant of God to serve the world being Savior of the world!

Islam, the second largest religion in the world is growing fast and is on the way to becoming the number one belief system not only because of the biological multiplication of its adherents but also to a certain extent of its evangelistic “Islamic Dawwa Mission” [Islamic Evangelistic activities] activities.

Generally, Islam is that mission field, which is ignored by the church at large in the past. Even nowadays, we didn’t find any earnest, serious, or solemn strategy that has been developed or adopted by the church at large to approach these beloved lost. We are not able to see any special excitement or thrill for reaching them. The church, fellow believers, and the congregants are slow to show some positive concern or interest, that this group demands, needs, and deserved.

Can you believe that Islamic people have the same mindset as the Markan audience?

Jesus Christ of Christianity is known as Messiah, and some others use the term, Al Masih. Isa Al Masih is the mentioned name in the Noble Quran [1] (Surah 3) so this is popular amongst Islamic folks. You will be wondered to know that Islam, one of the largest religions of the world, believes in Isa Al Masih’s Prophethood. They do consider Isa Al Masih as one of the most noticeable, famous, and prominent prophets [2] but they deny the Deity of Isa Al Masih. [3]

For Islamic Scholarly people Isa Al Masih is a mere human being like the other prophets of Allah (God) and no more than that. They do believe that no one is co-equal or a peer of Allah Almighty. In fact, they do believe in the same manner as the teachers of the law, Pharisees, and the Jewish Scholarly people. They do believe also Isa Al Masih [Islamic name of Jesus Christ] is the Servant of Allah [4] [Allah - The Arabic word for God].

The Noble Quran says, “When (Jesus) the son of Mary is held up as an example, behold, your people raise a clamour thereat (in ridicule)! And they say, “Are our gods best, or he? This they set forth to you, only by way of disputation: yes, they are contentious people. He was no more than a servant: We granted our favor to him, and he made an example to the children of Israel” [5] (Surah THE GOLD ADORNMENTS 43:57-59).

The purpose of this study

The purpose of this study is to prepare the followers of Jesus Christ so they would be able to approach the people of other faiths, specifically, the Islamic Umma by keeping in view the goal of helping them to remove their misconceptions about the Deity of Isa Al Masih.

There is no doubt, the Noble Quran uses many remarkable and distinguishing titles for Isa Al Masih that gives us reasoning, and speaks out loudly of the mind of the Quran concerning Isa Al Masih’s Lordship i-e Isa Ruh Allah [6] “Jesus is the Spirit of God” (Surah Al Anbiya 21:91)

Still, the Deity of Isa Al Masih is a great mystery for them. They are not able to touch the deepness and profundity of these titles to see Isa Al Masih’s glorious picture to admit His Lordship! Their honest pursuit and our evangelistic efforts can play a vital role in revealing to them the true image of our Savior and Redeemer, removing and dispelling their misconceptions about His Lordship!

Would You Like To Pray With Me . . .

I pray the Lord may shower His grace and favor in such a way so may they come to the saving knowledge of our Savior.

May they know the truth that Isa Al Masih is not just a man or a Servant of Allah but He is God-Man, who has the power to forgive, redeem and restore. He has the supremacy to reinstate whatever was lost, robbed, and stolen from the first Adam.

May the Good Lord help us to remove their misconceptions about Jesus’ Lordship!

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